
Over 1 billion people worldwide have disabilities affecting their ability to use the internet.

At, we believe that the internet is for everyone. Thus, we specialize in making the web accessible for all, ensuring that every internet user feels respected and valued.


Yet, 96.3% of websites fail to meet the needs of people with disabilities.

Ignoring web accessibility means shutting out approximately 16% of the population. This is not just an ethical concern, but also a business opportunity. At, we believe that internet is for everyone. Thus, we specialize in making web accessible for all, ensuring that every internet user feels respected and valued.

1 billion people worldwide have disabilities chart

But, website accessibility can be achieved through 5 core optimizations.

5 core optimizations

4:5:1 color contrast ratio.

A 4:5:1 color contrast ratio significantly enhances website accessibility, particularly for visually impaired users (7.5% of the population). It improves text readability by offering clearer distinction between foreground and background colors.

Hierarchical content structure.

Using a well-organized content structure helps both users and screen readers navigate through information. This way, visitors can more easily and clearly understand your message.

Alt text added to the images.

Alt text provides image descriptions for those using screen readers. This means people with visual impairments (approx. 1 in 13 people) can still benefit from the graphics on the site, and it makes the content more visible in search engine results.

Enabled keyword navigation.

Enabling keyword navigation allows users to browse a website using keyboard shortcuts, making it possible to interact with your site to those with motor impairments (estimated 16% of population), such as Parkinson’s disease.

Responsive interface.

A responsive website adapts to various screen sizes, ensuring full usability on any device. Such sites rank better on Google, as accessibility is a key ranking factor.


WCAG 2.2 rules set benchmarks for website accessibility for all users.

  • A tier (WCAG) icon BAD RESULT

    A tier (WCAG)

    If the site doesn’t meet the criteria of WCAG 2.2. tier A standards, then it provides insufficient accessibility for users with disabilities. People with visual and motor impairments won’t be able to use your site.

  • AA tier (WCAG) icon GOOD RESULT

    AA tier (WCAG)

    The standards of AA WCAG 2.2. class ensure the website offers an inclusive and seamless experience for most people with disabilities.

    100% guarantee for all clients
  • AAA tier (WCAG) icon BEST RESULT

    AAA tier (WCAG)

    Establishes the organization as a leader in digital accessibility and inclusivity, but is resource and effort consuming. Might not fit the budget capabilities and requirements of many companies.